(Gretchen from OC)

The only thing is that she's making this vodka, cranberry, sugar thing...so I volunteered to bring the eats...it needs to be something sinful and delicious. So now I'm thinking, thinking, thinking of what to make (bake?) for our event...suggestions are most welcome! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!! Don't be tardy for the party oh oh oh ~~~
My diet is progressing slowly...very slowly...has it progressed? I'm giving up soda, I'm sitting here literally drinking the last coke in the house. This includes the diet stuff too. Making my kids give it up as well. I plan to decrease my chocolate intake. Notice I don't plan to give it up entirely, that would be insane! Also, I guess I will start going to Curves again...though it does get a little boring, it worked before.
So here it is in front of all of my three readers (thank you by the way!) and anyone who happens to stumble onto this blahhhg. (Stepping on the scale) I want to decrease 31 pounds all by the last days of January is this possible? I don't know, probably not, but it helps to have a goal in mind. DANG, why is this turning into a weight loss blog?

Yeah Kim is a good choice, Ive noticed similarities. The drink concoction sounds delightful, I'd like to try it. You can make your goal, once you put your mind to something it gets done