I hope everyone is having a fantastic day and a great start to the new year! Can you believe it's 2010????
I'm trying not to freak out and remain calm. So, okay it means it's time to bring out the new calendars, no big deal, right? BUT, we have been conditioned to SET resolutions.
Like last year I resolved not to be so dang judgemental. it worked for about 6 months, then here I am casting judgement on everything and everyone that deems it! So I wonder is it even worth it???
I won't resolve to lose weight this year. I'm wanting to get my cholesterol down, but do I really need a new year to do that? I want to get healthier, be a better mom, read more often, laugh harder, on and on but will switching calenders be the magic bullet I've been looking for or is it a placebo that makes it easier to start these plans with? Okay so here we go with all these resolutions, yet again. Maybe this will be the year I do become a better person with a better cholesterol level?!?
Oh by the way..here is an update on the Damn Cat. She totally melts my heart and I love her so much. Her name I think is Kitty. She doesn't like baths but she needs them especially when she runs outside and rolls around on the concrete. She loves being held in the towel after her bath!
(I'm trying to smile but the right side of my right face is still paralyzed with the Bells Palsy. I truly am NOT being a smart ass! )

I feel so much more optimistic than last year!I'm doing one resolution at a time, like today instead of coffee I drank green tea, that was nice and I'm planning on ditching cokes, and drinking plain water with my meals maybe with an added lemon or cucumbers for a little zest. Next step is to excercise, and so on... Take it little by little and you will stay on task, it can get overwhelming if you try to do everything at once! That's a cute Kitty! Hope you're feeling better as each day passes!Happy New Year!!!!!!!